A college student recently contacted me to ask if I'd help with part of her course. In short, she had to select her ideal career and then ask … continue
Hello There
This is my official website … apparently
If you haven’t already guessed, my name is Keith A Pearson and I’m a bestselling author from Surrey (in the UK). I’m currently working on my latest novel and if you’d like an email when it’s ready, simply click the ‘Subscribe’ icon below to join my mailing list. I won’t insult your intelligence by stating what the other icons link to. Whatever you click next, happy browsing, and thanks for dropping by.
The latest witterings from my blog…
A Heads-Up – New Year, New Pricing
I recently ran a reader poll on social media, asking you (my lovely readers) if I should hike the price of my ebooks from £2.99 to £3.99 - 85% … continue
Live Event – Meet The Time Travellers
I'm delighted to confirm that on Saturday 14th October (2023), I'll be taking part in live event in Birmingham, called Meet The Time Travellers. … continue
2022/2023 News Update
There's clearly something wrong with the space-time continuum because it seems like only five minutes ago that we were complaining about the … continue
The Spring 2022 ‘Double Denim’ Update
It seems only five minutes ago we were tucking into mince pies and drunkenly bumbling through Auld Lang Syne, but the Daffodils sprouting up in … continue
An Ode to Kenneth
Last year I decided I no longer wanted to work with a publishing company for my audiobooks. That meant I'd have to take responsibility for all … continue