Firstly, thank you for your interesting in joining my beta reading team. As a self-published author, I don’t have an entire editorial department on hand to help ensure my books are error-free, so I’m incredibly grateful for your support.
Before you go any further, I would stress that beta reading isn’t as easy as some think. It always involves a tight deadline and meticulous attention to detail. I’ve had situations where one beta reader will highlight a few dozen issues in a manuscript whereas another beta reader only managed to find one or two issues in that same manuscript. That’s not to say I don’t appreciate every beta reader, but from a time and efficiency perspective, it makes sense to work with the most eagle-eyed readers – I only ever work with a maximum of six beta readers on any one book.
If that hasn’t put you off, here’s how it works…
1. Firstly, I need your Kindle email address, and for you to approve my email address as a safe sender – If you’re not sure of your Kindle email address or how to add an approved email, you can view details here (link opens in new tab).
2. Once the manuscript (MS) is ready, I’ll send it directly to your Kindle, and let you know by email.
3. As you read the book, just note any typos or grammatical mistakes – there’s no need to reference the page or chapter, or even what the issue is – 99.9% of the time it’s obvious. Simply jot down the problematic word, plus the words on either side so I can search for the issue. For example, if a sentence reads, “Don’t go in their because it’s incredibly dangerous”, I just need a note that says, “Don’t go in their” (the word their being the typo in this example).
4. It’s imperative you’re able to read the book within seven days. I do understand life can sometimes get in the way so if you’re a day or two out, it’s not an issue. All I’d stress is that I can’t release the book until every beta reader has reported back.
5. Once you’ve finished the book, simply email me your list of issues. I also need to know if you’d like your name added to the acknowledgements. Once the book is published, I’ll send you a signed copy of the paperback. With every book, I also send an Amazon voucher to the beta reader who finds the most errors. If there’s a tie, both readers receive a voucher.
That’s the lot – if you’re still happy to go ahead, complete the form below and you’re in!