Since the release of Wrong’un, I’ve had many readers contact me to ask when the big man is coming back.
So, I thought I’d clarify that he definitely will be returning, although I’m not sure of the exact timing yet. I’m currently a third of the way through my latest book which I’m hoping to release in June/July 2018. At that point, I’ll then decide on whether my sixth book will feature Clement.
As an indie author, I have to ensure every book I write has a chance of selling in reasonable numbers (unlike traditionally published authors, I don’t get an advance), and the issue with books in a series is that they don’t sell as standalone titles – basically, nobody will buy Wrong’un or the third book if they haven’t read Who Sent Clement?
With that in mind, I’m in the process of throwing all my marketing efforts into promoting Who Sent Clement? to build the reader base. The worst thing for any author is to spend 600+ hours writing a book, only then to sell a few hundred copies. Based on the read-through data from the first to the second book, I need to build Clement’s fan base before I can write the third book.
Saying all this, I have already started plotting that third book and I’ve taken on board a lot of the feedback from Wrong’un. Although the details are still sketchy, I can say the third book will be far more focussed on Clement and you’ll get to know more about his back-story. I won’t say any more than that as I don’t do spoilers, but I’m confident it’ll be worth the wait (I do know how frustrating the wait between books is).
Incidentally, many readers have also commented about Clement’s adventures being adapted for TV or film. Patently that’s something I’d love to see although I have to admit not having the first clue about that industry. Nevertheless, I have made some tentative enquiries so we’ll see what comes of those. If anyone has any contacts within the TV or film industry, please feel free to point them my way.
Finally, I’ve been incredibly humbled by the positive feedback I’ve received about Clement and I know many of you are emotionally invested in his story. I take that responsibility seriously so please be assured it’s not a case of if Clement returns, but when. I always intended him to be a long-running character so it’s heartening to know he already has his fans. The more people that become fans, the more I can focus my time on writing his next adventure.
Hopefully that clears up where we are – thanks for reading.